What Is Felonious Assault?
7 months ago by Justin M. Schiks
According to reliable statistics released by the FBI, there were believed to be 821,182 aggravated assaults in the US in 2019, with this number having increase...
Is Assault a Felony?
1 year ago by Justin M. Schiks
You may hear of someone being charged with “assault and battery” as a result of an altercation. While in some states, assault and battery remain separate c...
What Is 3rd-Degree Assault and Battery in MN?
2 years ago by Brian
A 3rd-degree assault and battery charge in Woodbury or St. Paul usually involves causing severe bodily harm to someone else. This charge also may include an as...
Violent Assaults are Up in the Twin Cities
3 years ago by Brian
On November 14, 2021, a woman was shot in North Minneapolis, and just a few days later, two people allegedly used brass knuckles to beat a pregnant woman to de...
Criminal Penalties for Domestic Assault
3 years ago by Brian
Being charged with domestic assault is a significant event that must be taken seriously, as the consequences of a domestic assault charge can have far-reaching...
Different Types of Assault Charges in Minnesota
3 years ago by Brian
Assault offenses can take different forms, and each one has its own elements and requirements for a conviction. If you were arrested on suspicion of assault,...
When is Assault Considered to be “Domestic”?
4 years ago by Justin M. Schiks
Any assault charge incurred in Minnesota can have serious and dramatic consequences, including jail time, fines, and other penalties. These potential penaltie...
Simple Assault vs. Aggravated Assault Charges in Minnesota
5 years ago by Justin M. Schiks
Simple assault and aggravated assault are different offenses in Woodbury, and a guilty finding or conviction could result in different penalties. In any case,...
Assault with A Deadly Weapon in Woodbury
5 years ago by Justin M. Schiks
An arrest affects your family, job and reputation anywhere you live. However, when handled correctly, a criminal charge does not have to destroy your life. On...