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Ten Reasons Drivers Are Stopped for DWI DUI, DWI

Ten Reasons Drivers Are Stopped for DWI

2 years ago by Justin M. Schiks
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Driving while intoxicated is a serious issue that affects countless lives each year, and Minnesota is no exception. As a State with strict DWI laws, it’s important to understand the top reasons people get arrested for drunk driving.

So, what leads to DWI arrests?

The following top ten list will give you the main reasons for DWI arrests in MN. If you are arrested, seek help from a DWI & Criminal defense lawyer immediately. 


1. Exceeding the legal blood alcohol concentration (BAC) limit


In Minnesota, drivers with a BAC of 0.08% or higher are legally intoxicated. This is a standard limit across the United States.

However, drivers with a lower BAC can also be charged for DWI. For example, the minimum BAC for commercial drivers (including bus drivers) is .04%, and the BAC for drivers under 21 years old is 0.02%.


2. Routine traffic stops and visible signs of intoxication


One of the primary ways law enforcement officers identify drunk drivers is through routine traffic stops. This could include stopping someone for speeding, running through a traffic signal or stop sign or a similar violation.

If an officer observes visible signs of intoxication (slurred speech, bloodshot eyes, etc.), they may request that the driver participate in a field sobriety test or undergo a preliminary breathalyzer test.


3. Checkpoints and saturation patrols


To curtail drunk driving incidents in certain areas or during high-risk periods (holidays and weekends), local police departments often set up sobriety checkpoints or conduct saturation patrols. 

These targeted enforcement efforts allow officers to stop vehicles at random and screen drivers for alcohol impairment.


4. Crash Involvement


When involved in a traffic accident, responders typically check all parties involved for signs of intoxication – regardless of who appears to be at fault initially.

If police suspect that alcohol played a role in an accident, they’ll investigate further and perform field sobriety tests and breathalyzers. as necessary.

5. Call-ins from concerned citizens


Often, fellow motorists or concerned citizens will report a seemingly intoxicated driver to law enforcement officials. Police officers are then dispatched to locate and assess the situation.

If they determine the driver is under the influence, an arrest is made on the grounds of public safety.

6. Repeat offenders


Repeat DUI offenders face increasingly serious consequences for each subsequent arrest. They are more likely to be identified and flagged by the police because of previous encounters -making future arrests more likely.

7. Slumpers


One of the common reasons for DWI arrests in Minnesota is falling asleep or passing out behind the wheel of a car.

These drivers are known as slumpers. Police often arrest slumpers in the winter, when the drivers escape to their vehicles during extreme weather conditions or freezing temperatures.

8. Swerving


Many DWI drivers swerve outside their own lanes. This often leads officers to investigate the activity based on “reasonable suspicion.”


9. Equipment Infractions and Expired Registrations/Tabs


Some DWI charges are made after a driver is stopped for an equipment violation, such as a broken headlight, a non-working tail light, or a cracked windshield. Expired tabs may lead to a DWI arrest as well.


If an officer stops a vehicle for the above reasons, it’s frequently done to check for a different crime at the same time. While this activity may seem unfair, it’s commonly allowed in state courts when DWI arrests.

10. Special Registration Plates (Whiskey Plates)


Whiskey plates, or special registration license plates, are required for repeat DWI offenders or drivers with a history of high alcohol consumption. These plates, which are white, begin with the letter “W.”


However, drivers who are subject to the whiskey plate ruling can also get regular license plates, provided they agree to have an interlock device installed on their cars. This prevents drivers from feeling singled out.


Other Reasons That Lead to DWI Arrests


Drivers may also end up getting arrested for DWI if they have a suspended, canceled, or revoked license.

In addition, DWI arrests frequently take place when a driver has a warrant out for their arrest.

Other times, a police officer may simply stop a driver with the assumption they may be committing a crime. 

This response may be triggered by a driver’s appearance or the part of town where the auto is driven. The driver may be stopped as well if they are driving out of a certain establishment.


Contact an Experienced Woodbury, MN DWI Defense Attorney Today


An experienced lawyer can get a case dismissed if you’ve been a victim of an unlawful traffic stop. They can also assist you if you’re pulled over and arrested for DWI, but you believe the reason you were stopped wasn’t reasonable.

Contacting a DWI lawyer is essential if you’re arrested for intoxication. Near Woodbury-St.Paul Minnesota, you can improve the outcome of your case by contacting JS Defense, PA. Trust in an attorney’s skill to ensure that you receive a fair DWI defense. Call: 952-945-7824


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This page has been written, edited, and reviewed by a team of legal writers following our comprehensive editorial guidelines. This page was approved by attorney Justin M. Schiks who has more than 20 years of legal experience as a personal injury attorney.

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