Reinstate Revoked or Suspended Driver’s License-DWI
3 years ago by Brian
After getting a DWI in Minnesota, it can be challenging to have your driver’s license reinstated. But, with the help of a trusted Minnesota DWI attorney, you can potentially have your charges greatly reduced and have your license back in your hands faster than you may think.
The penalties and fees will be based on whether or not you were driving a commercial vehicle at the time of the arrest, as well as how serious the offense was, such as if children were present, or if someone was injured, or worse as a result of the DWI.
What Are The Penalties for DWI in Minnesota?
If it’s your first or second DWI in Woodbury-St-Paul Minnesota, then your driving privileges won’t be completely revoked.
This is because your attorney will help you to attain what is commonly referred to as “interlock driving privileges” if your blood alcohol content (BAC) was lower than .16.
The Ignition Interlock Law states that, depending on the level of the offense, on your first or second DWI, you would have to use the ignition interlock system on your vehicle for twelve to twenty-four months.
Although you have driving privileges, you’d have to do a breath test before you can start your car, truck, or SUV.
If you are a repeat offender of more than three DWIs in a decade, you’d have to use the ignition interlock for three to six years.
Again, this is dependent on the level of DWI offense priorly committed, and only your attorney can help in getting your charges reduced.
Penalties for your first offense will vary from three months to a year in jail with fines of 1,000 to $3,000.
Your first, second, or third offense will be either a misdemeanor or a gross misdemeanor, and your fourth will be a felony with up to seven years behind bars and/or a fine of $14,000.
Getting Your License Back After a DWI in Minnesota
There are a few things that you will have to do (with the help of a Woodbury DWI Lawyer) if you are looking to get your driver’s license reinstated near St-Paul, Minneapolis, or anywhere in Minnesota.
Here are three mandatory tasks:
Pay Reinstatement Fees in Woodbury, Minnesota. According to the Minnesota Department of Public Safety, the fee for reinstatement of your driver’s license after it’s been revoked for a criminal vehicular operation involving alcohol or drugs is $680.
Take the Minnesota DWI Knowledge Test. The Office of Communications at the Minnesota DPS announced in the fall of 2020 that this test can now be taken online.
Perform a Minnesota Chemical Health Assessment. The Minnesota Legislature says that this absolutely has to be done in order to retrieve your driver’s license after a DWI, and the test results must be submitted directly to DPS from the agency that administered the exam.
Contact Our Experienced Woodbury, MN DWI Lawyer Today
Don’t hesitate to contact us today at JS Defense. Our Woodbury DWI lawyer near St-Paul and Minneapolis, MN can and will do all he can to help you get your revoked or suspended driver’s license reinstated after your DWI. Call now: 651-362-9426