If you Lose Your License for DWI in Minnesota?
2 years ago by Brian
Statistics reveal that in a recent year, arrests were made for over 25,000 DWI drivers in Minnesota. The state of Minnesota does not go easy on anyone who is charged with a crime, whether it’s their first, second, or third DWI offense, and losing your license is always a possibility.
Anyone arrested on suspicion of impaired driving should immediately contact a DWI defense lawyer for help.
Time Periods for Revocation
You can lose your license for up to a year for a first DWI offense or up to two years for a second DWI, depending on the circumstances concerning your charge. If you get charged for a third or fourth offense, you can get your license canceled with the ability to drive permanently suspended for a fourth DWI charge.
How Does Minnesota Define DWI?
If you are charged with DWI, you can be assessed with administrative and criminal fines and penalties. Minnesota defines driving while intoxicated (DWI) as controlling a motor vehicle while:
- Being under the influence of drugs or alcohol
- Knowingly driving while being under the effects of a hazardous substance
- Having a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of a least .08%
- Having ingested or taken any amount of a Schedule I or I drug, with the exception of marijuana
What Happens If You Refuse to Get Tested for DWI?
You can also get into trouble for refusing to take a blood, urine, or breath alcohol test, which can add to your punishments. When you refuse to take this type of test, the refusal is called a “test refusal” or “implied consent” crime.
Administrative Penalties for First-Time Offenders
The Minnesota Department of Public Safety imposes administrative penalties even if an offender has not been previously convicted of a DWI.
First Time Penalties
For example, for a first-time DWI, you can get your driver’s license revoked for 90 days. If you refuse to take a breathalyzer or chemical test, or your BAC registers .16% or more, you can lose your license for as long as a year. This penalty extends to two years if you’re arrested for a second DWI within a 10-year period.
Impoundment of License Plates
Moreover, you may also be subject to a “plate Impoundment” if your BAC was at least .16% or you had a passenger younger than 16 years old in your auto at the time of the arrest.
Plate impoundment involves the removal and surrender of your license plate, provided the vehicle is registered under your name. To drive your auto again, you must apply for a “whiskey” plate or special registration plate. In some cases, some first-time offenders may also have to forfeit their cars.
Criminal Penalties for a First-Time DWI
Criminal penalties for a first-time DWI, or a first DWI within a 10-year period, is considered a misdemeanor. This means you can be sentenced to up to 90 days in jail and get fined $1,000.
A misdemeanor is escalated to a gross misdemeanor if you refused a chemical test, your BAC was at least .16%, or a passenger under 16 years old was traveling in your vehicle. If you’re convicted of a gross misdemeanor, you can spend as long as one year in jail and pay a fine of up to $3,000.
As a first-time DWI offender, you are required to submit to an assessment on chemical dependency.
Contact a Woodbury, MN DWI Lawyer to Ensure to Support Your Legal Defense Now
Have you been convicted of DWI in Minnesota? If so, you should contact JS Defense, PA, immediately. Call (651) 362-9426 now to ensure you have the legal support you need.